Today was my husband’s BBQ birthday party. It was (emphasis on WAS) the perfect day. We were surrounded by friends, good food, and great music. But it will forever be tainted for me. It will always be the day that Mae fell in the pool.
She was sitting on the step of the jacuzzi and I was sitting there watching her while chatting with a friend. I turned my head for just a moment and when I turned back, there she was on her stomach, flailing. I pulled her out as quickly as possible. Of course she cried and I was strong and told her it was scary but she was just fine. And she was. In just a minute she was her old, happy, independent self running around again having fun.
But I am a mess. How could I have turned my head even for just a second? What if I looked away for longer than that? What would have happened? This incident made me even more aware (and absolutely freaked out) of how precious life is. I have been crying ever since. I feel like the worst mom. Any words of advice or similar experiences?