
8 Random Things or Habits About Me

I’VE BEEN TAGGED!! I have only been blogging for a week, and I have been tagged. Thank you so much Amanda for making me feel welcome in this new computer world I have entered. So here I go, excitedly answering the 8 random things and or habits about me meme.

  1. I eat my pizza in layers, with a fork. First I peel off the cheese and toppings and eat them first. Then I delicately scraped off the top layer of the bread and enjoy. Lastly, I eat the bottom layer of the bread and the crust. It’s the only way I can eat pizza. What fun it is see the look on people’s faces when they watch a grown woman “play” with her food. This crazy way of eating is not limited to pizza. You should see what I do a Kit Kat Bar.
  2. When I was in high school and for some time after, I worked at Disneyland as a parade performer. My first parade I was in was the Main Street Electrical Parade. I also performed in the Christmas, Lion King, and Hercules Parades.
  3. I love MTV reality shows. I know, I know…..I am terrible. My two favorites are Laguna Beach and the Hills, which I have seen every episode of every season. So sad! My husband wishes he could cancel MTV without getting rid of his favorite channels.
  4. I have this horrible habit of picking my lips. Sometimes I use my fingers but most of the time I use my teeth. My mom yells at me all the time to “STOP” or I am going to get cancer. I am not sure if she has any factual evidence that this will happen or if she is just trying to scare me into not doing it all. But this tactic has not worked. My husband took over the “STOP” job when we got married and he has been unsuccessful in halting this behavior. I don’t even realize I am doing it until I am yelled at. Man, I am doing it right now. I think it helps me think.
  5. One of my biggest pet peeves is lateness. I hate being late. I am never late. If I am late then something is terribly wrong. The worst thing of it all is that I come from a family of LATES and so does my husband. I am constantly annoyed because everyone I know is late. Among the top LATES in our family is my sister and my husbands oldest sister. Yeah, yeah they both have a lot of kids (my sister has 3 and his has 6) but come on, people! Stop being late!!!!
  6. I daydream every second about owning a bigger house. I want one back in the city where I grew up with a big yard and a swimming pool. I would have a BBQ every weekend and bake yummy delicious treats (if you can call rice krispiy treats baking). But I live in CA where a million dollar house is considered cheap. So for now I am going to have to be content with my modest townhouse and continue throwing BBQ’s at my father-in-law house (while he is away, hehe!)
  7. Dirty dishes in the sink drive me crazy. As soon as dinner is over, everything must be washed and put directly in the sink or I will LITERALLY GO NUTS! Sometimes my husband will offer to do the dishes……in a few minutes. But NO!! It must be done RIGHT AWAY! I will not rest until the dishes are clean.
  8. Wow, really? 8 random things? I am not sure I am able to come up with one more. Hmm. Ok, here is one that’s not so interesting. My favorite movie is the Pirate Movie. I used to watch it at least once a day in high school. Now it is more like once a year (which happens to be today). The two major stars in it are Kristy McNichol and Christopher Atkins. Such a cheesey movie yet I love it. I love the mushy love songs the hilarious dialog. Classic!

Since I have only been blogging a week, I am not sure I have earned the right to tag anyone. But if there are any new bloggers out there, I would love to learn 8 random things and or habits about you.


Heather said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! The drugs are really good.

The pizza? Really?

Me and dirty dishes...we're like *this*. I can tolerate them for an entire 24 hours. I live on the edge!

Amanda said...

Woo hoo! You're on your way.