

Karma. So I am NOT completely sure I believe in it, but I am fully scared of NOT following the rules of it. I fear that if I am mean to someone, then at some point I will be on the receiving end of meanness, etc. At times my actions are based on karma.

An incident came up tonight, which others before me have mentioned(Kristen). I was shopping at Target with Mae in her stroller (because the carts are just way too disgusting). I packed the stroller basket to the top and ran out of room. So I put a couple of items under the sun shade. When I got up to the counter I emptied the entire stroller basket, paid for the load, and walked out to my car. As I reached the car door, I realized I forgot to remove the items from under the shade.

At first, I shrugged it off and began transferring the purchased items into the backseat. I was going to load Mae into the car and drive home a thief. I mean, really the items that were stolen were merely two plug-in air fresheners that were on the sale rack. Together they were probably a total of $4. Would Target really go out of business? No, of course not. But then, that word karma flashed through my thoughts. What if I stole two measly air fresheners, yet when karma came back to bite me in the butt it was 100 times worse.

So what did I do? Did I get in my car and drive home with a guilty conscience? No! I am such a chicken shit. I walked back into the store, pretended I forgot a few items, and paid for the air fresheners.

Damn karma!

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