
No Love For Mommy

Why is it that whenever Mom needs to change a diaper, there is much screaming, squirming, running away, and flailing arms?

But when Daddy does it, Mae lays there as quiet as can be. Then when the deed is done, he gets a great big hug and a smooch.

I get no love!



So my plan to start a healthy life has not been going well. Since Wednesday, the day I wrote about turning it all around, I have done nothing but eat.

But I am about to make a huge excuse for my BAD behavior. I tend to turn to food and vegetation when I am sad or going through a tough time in my life. It is a family trait. We eat to help mask our problems. For some awful reason, food truly makes me feel better….in the moment. Afterward I am a guilty, blubbering mess. But in the moment, man food is so GOOD!

So here is the reason I have turned to food once again. My grandma is sick. We found out about two months ago that she has lung cancer. At first we thought everything was going to be fine. She was going to take this magic pill that would help the cancer and she would get better. But it hasn’t worked out that way.

Although she is 91 she has always been as sharp as a tack. Her whole life she has exercised and been in great shape and she could definitely hold her end of a conversation. She has even been driving a car…at 91! But in the past couple of weeks her mind has been all jumbled and confused.

My parents brought her home to stay with them since we all believed she was incapable of taking care of herself anymore. Well, that just made her more confused and quite frankly, pissed off. I think she thought she was in a hostage situation. The moment she was near a phone she tried to call her house. Well, she couldn’t remember the number so my sister dialed it for her. We knew no one was home to answer the phone but we were curious to see who she was trying to get a hold of. As soon as her answering machine picked up she proceeded to say into the receiver, “Come get me. I want to go home.” When we asked her who she was talking to, she had no clue. All she knew was that she wanted to go home.

This is such a difficult thing for me to witness. I have been incredibly close to my grandma all my life. I could tell you a million stories to convince you of how wonderful she is, but my words would not do her justice. I love her with all my heart and it is a terribly time for the whole family.

So my diet may have to be put on hold for a little while and many trips to the bakery may occur. My 20 lb goal may turn to 30 in the next couple of weeks.

She's Got Talent

This afternoon Gar and Mae sat on the coffee table stacking her fake condiment bottles. At first Gar was doing the stacking and she was doing the knocking down. But then all of a sudden she started piling them up one by one and by golly she got them to stay in place...for a few seconds before they fell. What talent?


Mother of the Year?

I let her stand too close to the tv
(I hope she doesn't go cross-eyed)

She eats cupcakes even though she hardly ate any dinner!

And I am teaching her to gamble.....with her toes!

I may not be winning Mother of the Year, but she seems pretty darn happy.


Could It Be That Time Already...Terribe Twos

Over the weekend I thought for sure Mae had reached her terrible two’s three months early. She threw about 100 tantrums on Saturday. The worst part of it all was that we were at a party for my work in Fallbrook. All my coworkers and their significant others were there.

Now Mae is a pretty independent child who loves a crowd and entertainment. Well, at the party she wanted to do what she wanted, go where she wanted, and eat what she wanted. If Gar (my husband) or I messed with her program, she felt the need to scream like a banshee and throw herself on the ground. You can imagine my embarrassment when everyone was looking at my child throwing a tantrum every two seconds.

And we were literally trapped at this party. We were the first ones there and EVERYONE parked behind us. So if we wanted to leave we would have to round up about 10 car owners and have them move down the drive. So we did not get to leave until after dinner, which was not until 9pm. And by the way, who eats at 8:30 at night. I will tell you who…..people who do NOT have small children.

Back to the point of my story. I thought we hit the terrible two’s. But the past two nights Mae has been an angel, back to her old self. Giggly, cuddly, and FUN! Thank goodness. Maybe she was just having an off day. We are all entitled to that.

Plus Fallbrook was about a hundred degrees with NO shade, there were bees flying around everywhere, and Mom and Dad were messing with her program (mostly so she didn’t fall down the very steep cliff in the backyard…definitely not a kid friendly house!)

Man is it F*#%^^%ing hot out here in BFE!


It has been almost 21 months since I had Mae. And the last 20 pregnancy pounds have stubbornly remained. I know it is my fault that they have not melted off. I blame it on the ice cream, second helpings of every meal, and the sedentary lifestyle I have adopted. I could attribute these bad habits to having a 21 month old or working full time, but I truly know that I am solely at fault. There is plenty of time for a walk outdoors and cooking healthy foods instead of fast food.

Starting this minute, I am going to try and embrace a new me. A me who eats fresh fruits and vegetables and exercises. I don’t want to do it just for me and for various vanity reasons. I want to do it for Mae. I want her to have a mother she is proud of: one that shows her a shining example of how a healthy person should be.

Now the problem lies is the fact that every time I decide to get healthy, I never stick with it. It is a running joke with my sister and I that each Monday I start off great and by Wednesday I fall off the wagon. Now she is an example to all dieters. She has been following the Lindora food plan and she has lost a bunch of weight. She looks and feels great.

How am I going to get motivated? The reason for today’s blog is to hold myself accountable. I know there is possibly no readers out there, yet, but if by chance there is or will be, maybe this knowledge will keep me going on my task to lose 20 pounds.

One of my favorite quotes from a movie is, “every minute is a new chance to turn it all around.” Does anyone know what movie it is from? Anyway, I am going to try and run this advice through my head each time a sweet craving or fast food craving consumes me.

I will be reporting on my progress as much as I can. I promise to let you know the minute I give up…..because it is inevitable. Wait, wait wait! I can't be negative. I will SUCCEED!!

August 20, 2007-----133 pounds

Goal weight: 110


We're Moving!

Right now my husband, Mae and I live in this humble two bedroom townhouse. It is the only home we have all lived in together. Mae was born and four days later she came home to this sweet little place. It is home. All 1230 square feet of it. It is cozy and homey and everyone loves to hang out here because of these characterisitcs. But it is just too small. We eventually want to have another baby and there is no way we could squeeze all of Mae's toys and the new baby's things in this place. So it is time to move. (Not that we are planning another baby any time soon)

We have this amazing opportunity to buy my husband's childhood home. It sounds weird that we will be raising our children in the house he grew up in. But this house holds so many amazing memories. I fell madly in love with my husband there. All my young memories of the two of us take place at this house.

If all works out, we should be in by late September or early October. I can't help but be excited. My mind is constantly wandering to thoughts of this house; how will we decorate it to make it our own, how cool it will be to be down the street from my parents and sister, the parties that we will have, etc. Even though I am so thrilled I can't help but be a bit nervous. Until the day we turn the key and open the door, I will be a wreck thinking it is going to fall through. Cross your fingers for us.

PS-Someone told me moving is one of the top three most stressful events in your life. What am I in for?


Swap Meet, Never Again

Today my parents and I took Mae to the swap meet. I have been wanting to redecorate Mae’s room in Hawaiian surf theme and I heard they had some vendors who sold bedding and wall décor for a great price. Perfect, I thought. We could walk around leisurely; find the things I needed, maybe have a sinful Churro, and head home happy as a clam.

But Mae, AKA Cranky Pants, had a completely different idea of how the day should go. She did NOT want to sit in her stroller, she did not want to shop, and she did not even want an ice cream cone. She decided she would cry up and down all the aisles while all the other parents with their perfectly behaved children walked by and scoffed at the mother with the out-of-control kid. How embarrassing!

My poor parents tried everything to make her happy. They bought her an ice cream cone. My mom tried to hold her, but she wanted her freedom to run as she pleased. Finally, my dad bought her a kid sized baby stroller so she could walk next to us. That seemed to do the trick. Although, I think the other shoppers were quite annoyed when she recklessly ran into their ankles. Hey, but she was happy…..and quiet. For a while….until we made her get back in her own stroller.

The day ended in much disappointment. The only thing we ended up buying were a couple of hair bows, a baby stroller, and three ice cream cones. I did find some cute Hawaiian decorations but they weren’t cheap. Nothing was cheap. Even cheesy sundresses were like $34. I thought you could buy like a Jacuzzi for a dollar at the swap meet. What a bust. Next time, Mae stays home with Daddy, and I go for a Margarita…NO MORE SWAP MEETS!



Karma. So I am NOT completely sure I believe in it, but I am fully scared of NOT following the rules of it. I fear that if I am mean to someone, then at some point I will be on the receiving end of meanness, etc. At times my actions are based on karma.

An incident came up tonight, which others before me have mentioned(Kristen). I was shopping at Target with Mae in her stroller (because the carts are just way too disgusting). I packed the stroller basket to the top and ran out of room. So I put a couple of items under the sun shade. When I got up to the counter I emptied the entire stroller basket, paid for the load, and walked out to my car. As I reached the car door, I realized I forgot to remove the items from under the shade.

At first, I shrugged it off and began transferring the purchased items into the backseat. I was going to load Mae into the car and drive home a thief. I mean, really the items that were stolen were merely two plug-in air fresheners that were on the sale rack. Together they were probably a total of $4. Would Target really go out of business? No, of course not. But then, that word karma flashed through my thoughts. What if I stole two measly air fresheners, yet when karma came back to bite me in the butt it was 100 times worse.

So what did I do? Did I get in my car and drive home with a guilty conscience? No! I am such a chicken shit. I walked back into the store, pretended I forgot a few items, and paid for the air fresheners.

Damn karma!



Today was my husband’s BBQ birthday party. It was (emphasis on WAS) the perfect day. We were surrounded by friends, good food, and great music. But it will forever be tainted for me. It will always be the day that Mae fell in the pool.

She was sitting on the step of the jacuzzi and I was sitting there watching her while chatting with a friend. I turned my head for just a moment and when I turned back, there she was on her stomach, flailing. I pulled her out as quickly as possible. Of course she cried and I was strong and told her it was scary but she was just fine. And she was. In just a minute she was her old, happy, independent self running around again having fun.

But I am a mess. How could I have turned my head even for just a second? What if I looked away for longer than that? What would have happened? This incident made me even more aware (and absolutely freaked out) of how precious life is. I have been crying ever since. I feel like the worst mom. Any words of advice or similar experiences?

8 Random Things or Habits About Me

I’VE BEEN TAGGED!! I have only been blogging for a week, and I have been tagged. Thank you so much Amanda for making me feel welcome in this new computer world I have entered. So here I go, excitedly answering the 8 random things and or habits about me meme.

  1. I eat my pizza in layers, with a fork. First I peel off the cheese and toppings and eat them first. Then I delicately scraped off the top layer of the bread and enjoy. Lastly, I eat the bottom layer of the bread and the crust. It’s the only way I can eat pizza. What fun it is see the look on people’s faces when they watch a grown woman “play” with her food. This crazy way of eating is not limited to pizza. You should see what I do a Kit Kat Bar.
  2. When I was in high school and for some time after, I worked at Disneyland as a parade performer. My first parade I was in was the Main Street Electrical Parade. I also performed in the Christmas, Lion King, and Hercules Parades.
  3. I love MTV reality shows. I know, I know…..I am terrible. My two favorites are Laguna Beach and the Hills, which I have seen every episode of every season. So sad! My husband wishes he could cancel MTV without getting rid of his favorite channels.
  4. I have this horrible habit of picking my lips. Sometimes I use my fingers but most of the time I use my teeth. My mom yells at me all the time to “STOP” or I am going to get cancer. I am not sure if she has any factual evidence that this will happen or if she is just trying to scare me into not doing it all. But this tactic has not worked. My husband took over the “STOP” job when we got married and he has been unsuccessful in halting this behavior. I don’t even realize I am doing it until I am yelled at. Man, I am doing it right now. I think it helps me think.
  5. One of my biggest pet peeves is lateness. I hate being late. I am never late. If I am late then something is terribly wrong. The worst thing of it all is that I come from a family of LATES and so does my husband. I am constantly annoyed because everyone I know is late. Among the top LATES in our family is my sister and my husbands oldest sister. Yeah, yeah they both have a lot of kids (my sister has 3 and his has 6) but come on, people! Stop being late!!!!
  6. I daydream every second about owning a bigger house. I want one back in the city where I grew up with a big yard and a swimming pool. I would have a BBQ every weekend and bake yummy delicious treats (if you can call rice krispiy treats baking). But I live in CA where a million dollar house is considered cheap. So for now I am going to have to be content with my modest townhouse and continue throwing BBQ’s at my father-in-law house (while he is away, hehe!)
  7. Dirty dishes in the sink drive me crazy. As soon as dinner is over, everything must be washed and put directly in the sink or I will LITERALLY GO NUTS! Sometimes my husband will offer to do the dishes……in a few minutes. But NO!! It must be done RIGHT AWAY! I will not rest until the dishes are clean.
  8. Wow, really? 8 random things? I am not sure I am able to come up with one more. Hmm. Ok, here is one that’s not so interesting. My favorite movie is the Pirate Movie. I used to watch it at least once a day in high school. Now it is more like once a year (which happens to be today). The two major stars in it are Kristy McNichol and Christopher Atkins. Such a cheesey movie yet I love it. I love the mushy love songs the hilarious dialog. Classic!

Since I have only been blogging a week, I am not sure I have earned the right to tag anyone. But if there are any new bloggers out there, I would love to learn 8 random things and or habits about you.


Beach Day! Fun?

I am one of the lucky ones to grow up in Southern California, just a few miles from the beach. When I was a kid, the beach was my favorite place to be. My cousins and I would body surf and boogie board all day long, only returning to our towels on the sand to eat lunch. Then it was straight back into the water until our parents forced us out. Some of my greatest memories are those from the summer beach days with family and friends.

So of course, I wanted to share my love of the beach and the ocean with my daughter. I dreamt of building sandcastles, screaming gleefully together as the icy waves crashed against our legs, and digging for sand crabs as the waves retreated back to the sea. I looked forward to her smiling face and glowing eyes I would capture on film and be able to enjoy forever.

But this is all I got………

I only got one good photo of Mae smiling! And she was on my lap....not touching the sand!!

On Sunday, my family headed to the beach for a family fun day. Mae was less than thrilled!! As soon as her chubby little toes touched the sand, a piercing scream escaped her lips. She cannot stand the sand touching and clinging to her feet and hands. She spent the whole day on a blanket with a grimace on her face.

On the way home, I wondered to myself how I could possible be raising such a prissy, beach HATER. Then I got to thinking. Lugging all the beach necessities to our spot on the sand and back with a screaming child was SO not fun! While driving, I tried my hardest not to move my toes because they felt dirty, dry, and sandy. Then I tried to run my fingers through my hair and realized it was tangled and salty, EWWW!! In this moment it hit me. I really DO NOT like the beach! I am raising a daughter who dislikes the beach because I HATE the beach….and I hate to feel dirty and sandy! What has happened to the frolicking kid inside me? It has been lost, and I fear it is lost forever. I am sorry Mae for being this seaside loathing role model.


To You Mae

Tonight, all of the 19 month you, sat lazily on my lap while finishing the first viewing of Cinderella. Together we watched; you for the first time and me, a refresher of a movie that was a favorite from my childhood. You enjoyed every last minute and seemed quiet disappointed when the credits slowly rolled up the screen. I turned the television off. Now the only noise in the house was that of Daddy in the kitchen cleaning shrimp and the dogs wrestling beside us. I gently placed your head on my shoulder. It remained there for a couple of minutes, but then quickly popped us. You were trying to resist the sleepiness overcoming you. I began to hum a song from Cinderella to lull you to sleep, but you decided to hum right along with me. A grin emerged on my face. I again laid your head on my shoulder. The rocking chair rhythmically squeaked beneath us. The only thought in my mind was that there was no place I would rather be, no place could compare to this! You still resisted sleep. You took your small, fragile finger and humorously placed it on my nose, while clearly saying, ‘nose.’ Your tiny pointer than found its way to my cheek, and I said, ‘cheek.’ Every few seconds a new facial feature was touched and I identified each one. Finally, you found your way to my eyebrow. What fun that word was to your ears. Each time you touched an eyebrow and I would say, “eyebrow,” a deep belly laugh escaped from your lips. Over and over again, this game would repeat and each time you would giggle a sweet, innocent giggle. Finally, the sleepiness was too strong to fight. Your head began getting heavier and heavier on my shoulder. Your breathing got deeper. You were finally asleep. I knew I could place you gently into your crib without waking you, but I was enjoying this cuddle so much I continued rocking. I know this time with you, this time when you enjoy snuggling with mom, will not last forever. With each passing a day, you become more and more independent. I must savor these sweet moments!


The Newbie

This is my first blog, my first post, my first try at this Mommy Blogging thing. I have been reading blogs for quite some time and am somewhat obsessed. I have been thinking about starting my own for quite a while. In fact, everyday I think to my self, "Hey, if I had a blog I could write about this." But I have been too scared! As I am sure you will find out, I am a HUGE CHICKEN!! I am the girl who stands behind watching others dare to live and try new things. I dream about becoming one of those people. So I am about to make a huge leap out of my norm! Here it goes.

Exactly 10 months and fourteen days ago, my whole world flipped right side up (I never even knew it was upside down). This was the day my daughter was born. Before her birth, my husband and I vowed that having a child would not change our lives. We would still go out to eat, see movies, stay up late, watch South Park, hang out with our friends, etc. You wouldn't believe how many people laughed in our face and told us to "just wait." But we truly, whole heartedly believed that we would remain who we always were. Then Mae graced us with her presence. Her LOUD, beautiful presence! Let's see. We have seen about three movies in the past year and a half, I have a date with my pillow each night at 9pm, and unless our friends have kids too we havent's seen much of them. Now, I am not complaining because I love to spend most every non-working (yes, I am a working mom) moment with her. But this just proves that having a baby DOES change your life. I have seen the error of my ways! But until it happens to you.....right?

Here is my Mae. The fiesty Italian side.

And the sweet side!